We are a family-run business which has been fishing the North Sea waters surrounding Dunbar for 30+ years. Business founder Eddie McFarlane has operated various boats in this time, and fished for many different species that inhabit the fishing grounds in this area before handing over the reigns to son, Lawrie. With the experienced gained from working with father Eddie, Lawrie has taken over the role of skippering Tangaroa whilst expanding the sales side of the business meaning that their finest quality shellfish is available to both personal and commercial customers with delivery available in Dunbar and the surrounding area.
We aim to provide both personal and commercial customers with some of the freshest shellfish on the market. To achieve this, we actively encourage the public to interact with us whilst we are fishing through our social media channels but also to meet us as we return to Dunbar’s Victoria Harbour to really see for themselves the quality and freshness of our produce.
After landing our catch, lobsters are transferred to our innovative sea water storage system which keeps them at an optimal temperature, with an uninterrupted supply of oxygenated water and in low level light. These conditions ensure that stress levels in the lobsters are reduced meaning that the quality of meat is never tarnished.
Because of this storage method we can keep a stock of lobsters which is deliverable to customers at a time that is convenient or when a large number is required. Because of this, we are an ideal choice for catering companies, restaurants or private events.
Named after the Maori god of the sea following family ties to New Zealand, Tangaroa has been our primary fishing vessel since its launch in 2013. In the wheelhouse, Tangaroa is equipped with The latest seabed mapping technology; whilst out on the deck, our catch is kept fresh by our on-board sea water sprinkler system.
Onboard Tangaroa we fish primarily for lobsters and brown crab in the waters West of Dunbar up to six miles offshore and usually within sight from Belhaven Bay on the town’s outskirts. To do this, we operate fleets of fishing gear known as parlour creels which are deployed along rocky areas of ground along the sea floor. This method of fishing is considered highly sustainable when used in conjunction with government legislation outlining minimum landing sizes meaning that everything considered undersized is returned unharmed to the sea.